Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Project continues...

I'm prepping for a PRO-Class offered with Desert Rose, an RWA chapter. They're teaching web site building with WordPress. I've decided to create a site for The Project. If nothing else, it will be good practice, I hope. I've worked through several more chapters, today. I didn't finish it by the end of the month, but it will be done this weekend. At least, the latest re-write will be done. I'm trying to work out a title and pen name for it. For the record, I confess in the book and I'm willing to confess anywhere else that my weight problem is all in my head. I use my weight as a shield, my invisibility cloak, so to speak. I don't want to be noticed because being noticed isn't safe. If I'd been able to overcome that bone-deep need, I would have been great at acting. That being said, since I started writing The Project last summer, I've lost 15 lb.

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