Monday, May 23, 2011

And more editing...

I edited twelve chapters, today. I'm down to being only about 250 words over my 75,000 limit. And I really love the story. I hope the editors like it, too. The query letter is ready, and the synopsis and first three chapters are matched to a mentor. I have about twelve more chapters to edit. Something to do while I wait. :-) I'm amazed at the number of orphan words (words that were probable part of a long sentence that was cut but missing a word), misspellings, and simply better words choices are popping out at me.


  1. Keep are doing great. :)

  2. Twelve chapters and only 250 words left to trim? Shouldn't be a problem! One problem with editing is that sometimes you are tempted to add more words instead of trim them, but in the long run, you shouldn't have any problem getting your work under the word count limit. Enjoy!

  3. Whew! I'm back. Blogspot has been less than cooperative. Funny, I lived most of my life without a computer; now, what would I do without it.

    Thanks, Ruth!

    Margaret, I've definitely been finding myself adding, but actually trimming more. I'm down to needing to cut less than 200 words, now. And yes, there's been some adding as well. What an adventure.
