Monday, February 27, 2012

Moving forward....

Steph interviews Melanie Atkins, over at Desert Breeze Publishing. I always enjoy learning about other writers' process and inspiration.

Linda shared in insightful post on the War of Words. Well done, and well worth taking a few minutes to read.

I love trying debut authors. Here's an interview with Jude Urbanski:

Another debut author is June Foster:

I tried. I really tried to cut three chapters. I couldn't do it. There was too much information. I did do some re-writing, and I'm much happier with the chapters. I also started a new document, and I'm moving the chapters one by one. I can't move on until I'm happy with the chapter I'm working on. With moving the story a chapter at a time, I can't worry about word count, because most of the story is in another document. This means I'm concentrating on simply making the chapter the best possible chapter. I have an outline of the rest of the chapters, but it's easier to focus on a little at a time.

On one of my other manuscripts, I wrote most of it from the end to the beginning. I thought I'd try it with this one, but it simply didn't work. After fighting with finding a way to make it work, taking one chapter at a time seems to be doing the trick. It feels good to be making progress again.


  1. Sounds like each book is taking on its own personality.
