Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Where does the time go?

Already, it's the end of January. From Christmas on, I've battled flu and then a cough.

Lately, it's been changing weather. It whipped from cold (40s and 50s) to toasty (80s) and back again. We've had an inordinate amount of rain, which should create a flower explosion in spring.

Unfortunately, it means my brain is present only intermittently. Some days I do well with the rewrites of Unexpected Possibilities. Other days, stringing two words together on my own becomes a monumental challenge.

The difficult days are when I can't believe God could want someone as imperfect (messed up) as me. No matter how much I may struggle with formulating thoughts some days, it's a better day if I'm able to remember God is aware of me. He knows how many hairs are on my head.

My Savior loves me so much He willingly died for me. There is no taking it back. It's done, two thousand years ago.

There is only one question: Do I choose to turn to God? Because there are only two directions: Toward God or away from God.

Every day, I'm given the opportunity to start fresh.

Thank God.

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