Friday, October 29, 2010

This was unexpected...

I pulled out the WIP and found myself wondering if it still truly holds together. I may cut the prologue and put it somewhere within the story or, I may cut it completely. It doesn't really match the tone of the rest of the story anymore, at least not in my own mind. I have to finish the PROJECT! But if I do, will I be able to return to my WIPs and MIPs? I have over a dozen stories in progress, to varying degrees. Do I have the courage to trust God to lead me through the PROJECT and have something for me on the other side? I don't know.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Back on the PROJECT...

Add a bit and did a bit of editing. PTBW has been a bear, and yet, it does pay the bills, so trying not to complain. :-) Though I'd put in a full day, plus, I decided that I would not put off the PROJECT any longer. I feel the need to finish it, and finish it quickly because there are other things I want to write. And yet, my head is so full of the PROJECT there isn't room for much of anything else.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Really didn't fall off the edge of the world...

Last week was spent preparing for a trip to California. It refreshed and renewed my soul. I realized there were a few things I need to add to the PROJECT. I did so as soon as I returned home. However, I'm still playing catch up. Maybe tomorrow things will begin to settle... a little... maybe... hopefully...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Did not fall off the face of the earth... only felt like it. Had a couple of bear days. Working was taking much longer to finish than typical. Frustrating. After working a couple of 12-13 hour days, I was done in. Feeling more rested now, so back to writing. Today, was some re-reading and cleanup.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Moving forward...

I've spent part of the day writing, and am quite pleased with the result. Fine tuning the first chapters clarifies what is coming later. Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” I'm choosing not to be silent anymore.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Disruptive storms...

After the recent storms, I find myself still playing catchup, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm debating whether or not to cut an entire section. This is giving me the opportunity to mull it over, try it with and without.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First thing to do: STOP LYING TO YOURSELF

With more storms, today, I learned something new about myself. Yesterday, I lamented that I turned off my brain as well as my computer. I found myself in the same situation, today, except that I learned something new, today. I really cannot focus on anything during a storm, except the storm. I gave up trying to read or do anything else, pulled up a chair in front of the picture window, and watched the rain and wind plow through, while listening to the thunder. Couldn't really see any lightning, due to the tree in front of the window. Now, the announcer kept warning about the storms and that you should stay away from the windows. Felt a bit like those poor bugs attracted to those bug light zappers. All afternoon, I watched the storms roll in and out. I am awed by the power and frightened by what that unleashed power is capable of destroying. They were also announcing possible tornadoes to add to the excitement. I've never been one much for gawking at traffic accidents. I have met my own version of the traffic accident: Storms.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sometimes life is sidetracked...

Plans of writing were sidetracked by weather... okay, that's an excuse. I did have to turn off the computer due to lightning, but I turned off my brain to THE PROJECT for a few days. I'm doing a bit of re-arranging in another aspect of my life. Interestingly enough, I realize that I'm also editing the current chapter, in the back of my mind. I'll catch myself mulling it over at odd moments. Life is in a bit of an upheaval. My routine is in flux, and that always throws me for a loop and leaves me feeling out of sorts. I did discover an unfinished sentence at the end of a chapter. That's unsettling. Hopefully what I wrote today is better than what I'd been thinking before.