Christian stories of broken souls finding God and romance
Jesus never promised a life of sweetness and nice; He promises hope.
Happily Ever After doesn't mean everything is perfect.The weakest flame is stronger than the dark.
Honor Hope HomeThursday, November 25, 2010
I thank God for the gift of words. I thank God for all those who share their gifts with me, enriching my life, inspiring me in my journey back to God. I thank God He is in control, and no matter what happens that truth never changes. And what an immeasurable blessing to know that God is good.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The brain went on vacation...
...without me. However, it seems to be back, and working. I didn't take a break from writing, only from posting here. I've been working only sporadically on THE PROJECT, but I've thought about it a great deal, sorting things in my head. The first four chapters are done, and the next two are well on their way to being finished. All the chapters are set and in varying stages of being completed.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
God's unexpected reassurances...
The computer is working beautifully, today, so is the internet. What I thought was a problem with my computer wasn't. Someone else mentioned that they had trouble with their internet connection, yesterday. It wasn't only me, which means it wasn't my computer! It was the carrier! Whew. :-) Back to work. Not a lot of writing is being accomplished as PTBW is a bit heavy, and there's a snag I haven't quite figured out how to use, yet.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I update the security on my computer, just as I ought, and suddenly it kicks me off the internet every time I go to a new site. Bah! Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how things are working, my computer is my lifeline to friends far away and research that would be impossible to do without it. Please, God, bless my computer; my friends are reached here and my work is held hostage... held safely here. :-)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Not forgotten, but yes, ignored...
I didn't tackle this blog, last night, as I sent the first three chapters of THE PROJECT to my counselor. No feed back, but not worried about that either. It's always unsettling to sending out your "baby" to be critiqued. I have already sent and received feedback from a dear friend. It was very encouraging, and yet I feel no less fear sending it out again. One never knows how others will receive what you have lovingly crafted. And yet this, I feel, is something I must do, something I have always been meant to do. But only with God's help.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
More sorting...
Sorted through more notes that I thought I would use, but have now decided not to do so. I've created a separate document for all those notes. They may or may not ever be used, but I worry less knowing they are there if I need them. It was a busy work day. The PTBW was a bit discouraging, taking much longer than it should have, but it happens that way, sometimes.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Outline complete...
The outline appears to be complete. I wrote the first four chapters, building the foundation pretty much in a linear manner. Now, with the chapters outlined, I'm finding myself jumping between them as ideas pop into my mind. I actually prefer writing this way. Maybe that was part of the trouble with my WIPs: I was writing them mostly in a linear fashion. So, I need to learn how to write outlines for my WIPs... hmmm...
Monday, November 8, 2010
THE PROJECT... now completely outlined, in that ever chapter is ready for fleshing out, with the first four chapters already done. Notes were re-arranged, lots of deleting, and an important chapter added to the list. There's always room to add, and I already know that it's important to be able to cut, but I feel like the framework is now complete. Wow. Praise be to God. Laus Deo.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
...sometimes it simply takes over. When it takes twelve hours to complete what usually only takes about six hours, you know it's a rough day. When it takes twice as long several days in a row, it's a problem. However, today, I was able to work on the PROJECT. I sorted through notes and did a bit of editing and more in depth outlining.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Life happens, and then you pick yourself up...
...and go on. I'm caught up, finally, and starting to settle into a comfortable routine again. It helps with my writing. The PROJECT is the sole focus. It's outlined and being fleshed out.
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