I follow Hope for the Broken Hearted on FB. I also receive her emails, which comprise a beautiful picture and a prayer. This is one:
The Writer's Refuge offers the perfect essay on the power of the opening paragraph:
Beth Trissel shared her perspective on authors:
Patricia Johns shared an insightful post on seeds:
God bless.
Christian stories of broken souls finding God and romance
Jesus never promised a life of sweetness and nice; He promises hope.
Happily Ever After doesn't mean everything is perfect.The weakest flame is stronger than the dark.
Honor Hope HomeSaturday, May 30, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
A bit of inspiration...
Sometimes, life is weird. Sometimes, life is hard. Sometimes, life is confusing. Sometimes, life is painful. Sometimes, life is messy. Sometimes, life is amazing. Sometimes, life is disappointing. Sometimes, life is joyous. Sometimes, life is lonely. Sometimes, life is full to bursting. Always, life is precious, even when it feels shattered. Pieces are lost. Pieces are mangled. Life is not a puzzle where every piece must fit perfectly in order to make a pretty picture. Life is a kaleidoscope. It is all the broken pieces piled together, with spaces in between, and light that creates the wondrous beauty.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Another like on FB...
...so a sneak peek! Reluctant Knight (unedited):
Irritation gained the upper hand.
"You asked. Now, may we continue? The hour grows late."
"Oh, do please lead on,"
Fitzgerald mocked.
If Richard didn't need the other man's
aid, he'd send him packing.
What must it be like to be needed not for
the man you were but for the title you held? A title to be passed to someone
else upon one's death. Richard glanced at his friend as they walked. How did a
man know who sought the power of his title and who were true friends?
"I thank you."
Fitzgerald shrugged, but the hardness in
his expression eased. "You owe me."
"Of course." A debt Richard
would gladly pay.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Last Call...
Tickets to the Dreamin' Convention must be purchased by Monday, May 25th.
As far as I know, I have two tickets available for the Arizona Dreamin' portion of the event. The people who purchased the other tickets let me know, and I have their gift baskets/bags ready.
I'm still debating over which workshops and Book Clubs I want to attend. I've more on my Wish List than I've slots. I already know, from past experience, whatever I choose will be good. Pity I can't clone myself so I don't miss anything.
Come join the fun.
I'm looking forward to adding one more picture for the collection.
God bless.
As far as I know, I have two tickets available for the Arizona Dreamin' portion of the event. The people who purchased the other tickets let me know, and I have their gift baskets/bags ready.
I'm still debating over which workshops and Book Clubs I want to attend. I've more on my Wish List than I've slots. I already know, from past experience, whatever I choose will be good. Pity I can't clone myself so I don't miss anything.
Come join the fun.
I'm looking forward to adding one more picture for the collection.
God bless.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Beauty in every moment...
I endeavor to look for beauty in each day. Sometimes, it's difficult to find beauty in the moment when everything is falling down around your ears.
This year, I'm keeping a blessing jar. For the first two months, I successfully found something and usually several somethings to be thankful for every day. I fell, at the end of February, again, and it's grown increasingly difficult to find something every day.
I feel ungrateful. I'm not. God is good and has blessed me with amazing people and opportunities. I am grateful. However, when I lay the piece of paper in front of me and click the pen, I stare at the paper, my mind as blank as the paper.
Playing catch up is one of my least favorite games. I hate feeling behind, late, out of step.
Important changes: I've recently made a number of changes in my life that are affecting my regular routines.
Looking at my blessings list at the beginning of the year, I wrote about things: Books I enjoyed; beautiful flowers; gorgeous sunsets; etc.
The list has changed. Now, I'm more likely to list time spent with friends. This is a huge change. Perhaps not to anyone else, but to someone who spends most of her time alone this is momentous.
I'm still enjoying the little things like sunrises and sunsets.
This year, I'm keeping a blessing jar. For the first two months, I successfully found something and usually several somethings to be thankful for every day. I fell, at the end of February, again, and it's grown increasingly difficult to find something every day.
I feel ungrateful. I'm not. God is good and has blessed me with amazing people and opportunities. I am grateful. However, when I lay the piece of paper in front of me and click the pen, I stare at the paper, my mind as blank as the paper.
Playing catch up is one of my least favorite games. I hate feeling behind, late, out of step.
Important changes: I've recently made a number of changes in my life that are affecting my regular routines.
Looking at my blessings list at the beginning of the year, I wrote about things: Books I enjoyed; beautiful flowers; gorgeous sunsets; etc.
The list has changed. Now, I'm more likely to list time spent with friends. This is a huge change. Perhaps not to anyone else, but to someone who spends most of her time alone this is momentous.
I'm still enjoying the little things like sunrises and sunsets.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Links to Share...
Looks like it's a Writers In The Storm kind of day:
WITS shared some good ideas for the times you can't write:
Over at WITS, Laurie Schnebly Campbell, one of my favorite people for helping me improve my craft, shared a post on blurbs:
God bless.
WITS shared some good ideas for the times you can't write:
Over at WITS, Laurie Schnebly Campbell, one of my favorite people for helping me improve my craft, shared a post on blurbs:
God bless.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
The Dreams Convention...
...is only two weeks away. I have two tickets available for the Arizona Dreamin' portion of the event. The last day to purchase tickets is May 25.
The biggest problem? Needing to choose between all the great authors and workshops.
Look at the packed schedule:
Friday, May 29, 2015
5:00pm-6:30pm REGISTRATION
7:00pm-9:45pm Hotel-Hosted Reception, 24-Author "Speed Meet", Live Entertainment, Photos with the "Men of Our Dreams" and our Featured Authors for charity ~ $10 donation per group/pose
Saturday, May 30, 2015
9:00am-9:45am Sign up for 7 AUTHOR BOOK CLUBS and 1 DINNER TABLE
10:00am BOOKSTORE Opens
10:00am-10:30am - BOOK CLUB #1
10:45am-11:15am - BOOK CLUB #2
11:30am-12:00pm - BOOK CLUB #3
12:15pm-12:45pm - BOOK CLUB #4
1:00pm LUNCH in Suites with Authors
2:30pm-3:00pm - BOOK CLUB #5
3:15pm-3:45pm - BOOK CLUB #6
4:00pm-4:30pm - BOOK CLUB #7
5:00pm BOOK STORE Closes
6:00pm DINNER with AUTHORS
Live Auction with "Dreamin' Dollars"
Photos with the "Men of Our Dreams" and our Featured Authors for charity ~ $10 donation per group/pose
Sunday, June 1, 2014
10:00am-11:00am "Realizing Your Dream" Interactive Session
If you only want to attend on Saturday, or it's the only day you have free, it's still worth the price. The authors and Men of Our Dreams go to great lengths to make this event as much fun as possible, speaking from having attended as a reader for three years in a row.
If you've ever thought about writing or want to know more about what writers do, there's also the Buildin' a Dream Event, right before the Arizona Dreamin' Event:
Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
7:00-8:30pm The Dreams Convention Open Booksigning
Thursday, May 28th, 2015
5:00-6:00pm Buildin’ the Dream Registration
6:00-7:30pm Buildin’ the Dream Trade Show Dream Award Nominee Booksigning
7:30pm The 2015 Dream Awards Ceremony
Friday, May 29th, 2015
8:30-8:50am Late Registration
8:50-8:55am Welcome in the MAIN BALLROOM
CRAFT: Sprinting **2-hour workshop** taught by Virginia Nelson
PUBLISHING: Never Give Up! taught by Sharon Hamilton
BUSINESS: Optimizing Amazon taught by Aaron Michael Ritchey
AUTHOR EXTRAS: A Writer’s Environment by Laurel Hawkes
CRAFT: Sprinting with Virginia Nelson - continued **must attend 1st hour of this workshop**
PUBLISHING: 4.5 Paths to Publishing taught by Kris Tualla
BUSINESS: Write with Your Heart, Sell with Your Brain Taught by Rose Gordon
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Finding Reliable Reviewers Taught by Rhonda Plumhoff
CRAFT: Mistakes Authors Make: Military Taught by Ret. Staff Sgt. Nic Baker
PUBLISHING: What Publishers Want Taught by PJ Hulstrand, Az Publishing Services
BUSINESS: Getting Legal with Attorney-at-Law Megan Scott
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Co-Authoring Taught by Sahara Kelly & Scott Carpenter
11:55-12:30pm LUNCH in the Main Ballroom
12:00-4:00pm Buildin’ the Dream Bookstore Craft Books ONLY
CRAFT: Mistakes Authors Make: Police Procedurals Taught by Ret. Detective Jerry McCown
PUBLISHING: Getting Your Book in Audio Panel with Sharon Hamilton, Kris Tualla, Deena Remiel, & Morgan Kearns
BUSINESS: Transmedia Marketing Taught by Angela K Roe
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Critique Partners Taught by Camelia Miron Skiba
CRAFT: Mistakes Authors Make: Writing the Male POV Taught by James Magnussen
PUBLISHING: Self-Editing Taught by Julie L York
BUSINESS: Creative Marketing: Role Players Taught by Stacie Stopen
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Benefits of Flash Fiction Taught by Siobhan Muir
CRAFT: Ready. Set. Write! Taught by Deena Remiel
PUBLISHING: Cover Art Taught by Scott Carpenter
BUSINESS: Creative Marketing: Release Parties Taught by Rhonda Plumhoff
AUTHOR EXTRAS: The Power of Essential Oils Taught by doTERRA Consultant Dawn Despain
CRAFT: Plotting a Successful Series Taught by AmyLynn Bright
PUBLISHING: New York or Indie: Pros & Cons Taught by Susan Squires
BUSINESS: Creative Marketing: Boxed Sets & Bundles Taught by Sharon Hamilton
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Relaxation for Authors Taught by Amber Polo
4:20-4:30pm CLOSING CEREMONY in Main Ballroom (Trade Show Raffle Drawing)
3:45-5:30pm Author Headshots ~ Professional Photographer Herb Stokes from Southwest Portraits will take headshots to be used ROYALTY FREE in all promotions. Additional Fee required.
3:45-5:30pm Az Publishing Services will take pitches ~ PJ Hulstrand (Publisher, CEO of Az Publishing Services) will schedule time to take pitches.
**Because life happens, the schedule is subject to change.
***Tickets for Buildin’ the Dream 2015 are non-refundable, but are transferrable.
The biggest problem? Needing to choose between all the great authors and workshops.
Look at the packed schedule:
Friday, May 29, 2015
5:00pm-6:30pm REGISTRATION
7:00pm-9:45pm Hotel-Hosted Reception, 24-Author "Speed Meet", Live Entertainment, Photos with the "Men of Our Dreams" and our Featured Authors for charity ~ $10 donation per group/pose
Saturday, May 30, 2015
9:00am-9:45am Sign up for 7 AUTHOR BOOK CLUBS and 1 DINNER TABLE
10:00am BOOKSTORE Opens
10:00am-10:30am - BOOK CLUB #1
10:45am-11:15am - BOOK CLUB #2
11:30am-12:00pm - BOOK CLUB #3
12:15pm-12:45pm - BOOK CLUB #4
1:00pm LUNCH in Suites with Authors
2:30pm-3:00pm - BOOK CLUB #5
3:15pm-3:45pm - BOOK CLUB #6
4:00pm-4:30pm - BOOK CLUB #7
5:00pm BOOK STORE Closes
6:00pm DINNER with AUTHORS
Live Auction with "Dreamin' Dollars"
Photos with the "Men of Our Dreams" and our Featured Authors for charity ~ $10 donation per group/pose
Sunday, June 1, 2014
10:00am-11:00am "Realizing Your Dream" Interactive Session
If you only want to attend on Saturday, or it's the only day you have free, it's still worth the price. The authors and Men of Our Dreams go to great lengths to make this event as much fun as possible, speaking from having attended as a reader for three years in a row.
If you've ever thought about writing or want to know more about what writers do, there's also the Buildin' a Dream Event, right before the Arizona Dreamin' Event:
Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
7:00-8:30pm The Dreams Convention Open Booksigning
Thursday, May 28th, 2015
5:00-6:00pm Buildin’ the Dream Registration
6:00-7:30pm Buildin’ the Dream Trade Show Dream Award Nominee Booksigning
7:30pm The 2015 Dream Awards Ceremony
Friday, May 29th, 2015
8:30-8:50am Late Registration
8:50-8:55am Welcome in the MAIN BALLROOM
CRAFT: Sprinting **2-hour workshop** taught by Virginia Nelson
PUBLISHING: Never Give Up! taught by Sharon Hamilton
BUSINESS: Optimizing Amazon taught by Aaron Michael Ritchey
AUTHOR EXTRAS: A Writer’s Environment by Laurel Hawkes
CRAFT: Sprinting with Virginia Nelson - continued **must attend 1st hour of this workshop**
PUBLISHING: 4.5 Paths to Publishing taught by Kris Tualla
BUSINESS: Write with Your Heart, Sell with Your Brain Taught by Rose Gordon
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Finding Reliable Reviewers Taught by Rhonda Plumhoff
CRAFT: Mistakes Authors Make: Military Taught by Ret. Staff Sgt. Nic Baker
PUBLISHING: What Publishers Want Taught by PJ Hulstrand, Az Publishing Services
BUSINESS: Getting Legal with Attorney-at-Law Megan Scott
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Co-Authoring Taught by Sahara Kelly & Scott Carpenter
11:55-12:30pm LUNCH in the Main Ballroom
12:00-4:00pm Buildin’ the Dream Bookstore Craft Books ONLY
CRAFT: Mistakes Authors Make: Police Procedurals Taught by Ret. Detective Jerry McCown
PUBLISHING: Getting Your Book in Audio Panel with Sharon Hamilton, Kris Tualla, Deena Remiel, & Morgan Kearns
BUSINESS: Transmedia Marketing Taught by Angela K Roe
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Critique Partners Taught by Camelia Miron Skiba
CRAFT: Mistakes Authors Make: Writing the Male POV Taught by James Magnussen
PUBLISHING: Self-Editing Taught by Julie L York
BUSINESS: Creative Marketing: Role Players Taught by Stacie Stopen
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Benefits of Flash Fiction Taught by Siobhan Muir
CRAFT: Ready. Set. Write! Taught by Deena Remiel
PUBLISHING: Cover Art Taught by Scott Carpenter
BUSINESS: Creative Marketing: Release Parties Taught by Rhonda Plumhoff
AUTHOR EXTRAS: The Power of Essential Oils Taught by doTERRA Consultant Dawn Despain
CRAFT: Plotting a Successful Series Taught by AmyLynn Bright
PUBLISHING: New York or Indie: Pros & Cons Taught by Susan Squires
BUSINESS: Creative Marketing: Boxed Sets & Bundles Taught by Sharon Hamilton
AUTHOR EXTRAS: Relaxation for Authors Taught by Amber Polo
4:20-4:30pm CLOSING CEREMONY in Main Ballroom (Trade Show Raffle Drawing)
3:45-5:30pm Author Headshots ~ Professional Photographer Herb Stokes from Southwest Portraits will take headshots to be used ROYALTY FREE in all promotions. Additional Fee required.
3:45-5:30pm Az Publishing Services will take pitches ~ PJ Hulstrand (Publisher, CEO of Az Publishing Services) will schedule time to take pitches.
**Because life happens, the schedule is subject to change.
***Tickets for Buildin’ the Dream 2015 are non-refundable, but are transferrable.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Links to share...
Writers In The Storm shared an excellent post on choosing the right story to write:
Diane Gaston gave a short (Regency era) French history lesson over at Risky Regencies:
Holley Gerth shares an excellent reminder of God's power to use our mistakes for good:
My Journey of Healing from Psychological Abuse shared a hopeful message of restoration:
PTSD - Accepting, Coping, Thriving shared questions to consider for survivors:
God bless.
Diane Gaston gave a short (Regency era) French history lesson over at Risky Regencies:
Holley Gerth shares an excellent reminder of God's power to use our mistakes for good:
My Journey of Healing from Psychological Abuse shared a hopeful message of restoration:
PTSD - Accepting, Coping, Thriving shared questions to consider for survivors:
God bless.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Faith's Labor
At long last,
the fifth novella in the series has arrived...
Welcome back
to Holiday, USA, small town America, where nothing happens, except holidays...
and maybe a little romance, if the hero and heroine trust God.
Organic herb
farmer Faith Walker regrets many things in her life, none as much as marrying a
man who divorced her after their wedding night, leaving her pregnant and alone.
Horse trainer Dusty
Harper crushed on Faith all his life. What is he supposed to do when she drops
back into his life and turns his world upside down?
God provides
unexpected answers to those who seek His will..
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Hijacked by Blackberries
I planned, yesterday, in advance. I needed to upload Faith's Labor to Kindle. I needed to work on dictation. I needed to add to Reluctant Knight.
Early Monday morning, 1:00 a.m., I was awoken by thunder and lightening. It rained. Everything was still wet when I woke and went for a walk at 5:30 a.m.
At 8:00 a.m., the thought registered in my head: Check on your blackberries. I figured I'd be able to pick a few, maybe a cup or two. Five cups later, choosing only the best berries, I had enough to make a batch of blackberry jam.
Aren't they pretty?
Early Monday morning, 1:00 a.m., I was awoken by thunder and lightening. It rained. Everything was still wet when I woke and went for a walk at 5:30 a.m.
At 8:00 a.m., the thought registered in my head: Check on your blackberries. I figured I'd be able to pick a few, maybe a cup or two. Five cups later, choosing only the best berries, I had enough to make a batch of blackberry jam.
Aren't they pretty?
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Sharing Links...
The Writer's Refuge is one of my must read blogs. He's reading Stephen King's book On Writing. I have it on my shelf but haven't made it around to reading it yet. So many books. So little time. Moving it up on the TBR List.
B is for Blessed! shares inspiring posts. This one was about dead wood:
Writers In The Storm shared a helpful post on author swag. I needed this.
God bless.
B is for Blessed! shares inspiring posts. This one was about dead wood:
Writers In The Storm shared a helpful post on author swag. I needed this.
God bless.
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