Thursday, January 15, 2015

Odd Bits...

I'm in the process of preparing for paperback Holiday, USA Anthology 2014. This book will contain all 4 novellas published last year. I prefer books in paperback. The anthology won't be published in eformat as the novellas are available individually.

I've figured out the footers, numbering pages where numbers are needed and leaving blank the pages that need to be left blank. Woohoo!

Yesterday, I planned to work on the headers. I thought I'd fiddle with the chapters as a brief distraction, making it so there weren't any extra blank pages. It ended up taking all day.

Today's plan is to work on the headers, the author name on one side and the title on the other. I may scrap it altogether, depending on what I'm able to work out.

I'm a tactile learner, so I actually have to do it. I can read about it all I want, but it won't make much sense to me. Curiously, once I've figured it out, I'm able to go back and read the directions and they make perfect sense.

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