Friday, July 29, 2011


I finished my PTBW in a timely manner this morning, and thought, "Wow! I have the whole day to write!" I opened the document, and scrolled down to page 51, to pick up where I left off, last night. And sat and stared at it. Something was wrong. I didn't know what. It read fine, but something wasn't right. I worked on my WordPress site for The Project. I looked at the WIP. It was still wrong, and I still didn't know how. I caught up on blogs and FB. I looked at the WIP. And yes, it was still wrong, and I still didn't know how. I read another book. Four hours, and it finally dawned on me. Page 51 expanded on a couple of minor characters, and I realized that they hadn't been mentioned in a passage earlier where they HAD to be. I went back and corrected the continuity problem. YAY!! Now, I want to turn off everything, curl up with a book, and go to sleep early. I think, maybe, I will, and then I'll start over, tomorrow, fresh.


  1. It's not fun sensing something is wrong with what you have written, but it's a good thing in the disguise of something irritating. There are people who write who are blissfully ignorant of how wrong something is, or that they have missed something that needed mentioning. I'm glad you knew something was needed and eventually found it. That's enough of a job for one day, so I hope you did indeed put aside for today!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement ((Margaret))
