Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Book due...

Book 2 of the Endless Possibilities series, Hidden Possibilities, is due soon. I'm finishing up my rewrite/edits. I'm one of those who edits until a book goes to print. I'm always able to see something that could be better, clearer, more in keeping with the setting, trade three words for one. I spend most of my time editing. I edit as I write (I can't help myself), and then I edit and edit and edit until the book is due, and then it's sent with the knowledge I've made it the best possible book, knowing the editor will find things to change. I'll also find things I didn't see before. A never-ending process. I pray the final product is as good as it can be. Yes, God is part of my process.


  1. I admire your editing dedication. Editing isn't my favorite part of novel-writing, but it's still a BIG part of it! You've encouraged me before in my editing process. :)

    1. I've had to edit so much of my life, it's sort of a natural transition, I suppose. :-)
