Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sharing Links...

Diane Gaston has been sharing a bit of her adventure to England this fall...

Writers In The Storm shared a post on Point of View, otherwise known as POV. My first manuscript required a major overhaul when a couple of judges in a contest pointed out my difficulty. I hadn't been able to see it myself. I still stumble a bit, but I'm improving.

WITS also shared some good ideas for decluttering your cyber life:

May you be blessed.


  1. Good article about POV. I want to try implementing some of these tips, I think it could definitely improve things. I am trying to do better with POV according to what the experts seem to say is the way to go -- but I did notice while rereading Fellowship of the Ring recently that Tolkien totally switches POV from one character to another in the same paragraph, which I have understood is a no no. And I didn't mind in the least that he did that! It was great seeing things through Pippin's eyes one minute and then immediately after, through Gandalf's. :-D

    1. I know. I like it, too. Tolkien was a master. I have to admit that I've read books that attempt the same thing, and it was maddening. I couldn't keep track of the POV or it was like watching a tennis match. I still make mistakes with POV, but doing much better. :-)
