Friday, February 4, 2011

Chapter three... started but not finished. I wrote a completely new opening scene. It's going to change coming chapters as well, but it was necessary. It was taking much too long for the hero and heroine to meet. It's still probably longer than most would like, but it's much shorter than originally written. So chapter three is only half done. I'm not discouraged because I'm very pleased with the new material.

I struggle with my trust in God and His plan for me, but only when I'm not writing. Once I start writing, peace sweeps over me, and more and more often I find myself feeling joy. My prayer is that my love for God is evident in my writing, so that others feel that love as well. No matter how bad things are, God is there. We are not alone.

UPDATE: I couldn't resist. I've finished chapter three, along with the synopsis.

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