Monday, February 28, 2011

A little catch up...

Saturday, I visited with a dear friend, who had read The Project and made several very helpful suggestions. I came home and re-wrote.

On Sunday, I took a complete break. I didn't even open my document program.

Today, it was back to it. I worked on The Project some more, doing more re-writes and adding material for clarification. I'm also working on the WIP. I made a slight plot change that I think was necessary to work for the overall story. I'm feeling those little prickles of "what if it isn't any good?" "What if it doesn't work?" "What if it's horrible?" "What am I thinking?" "What if..." Okay, breathe. Time to dive back in. As long as I'm writing, I don't worry about the what if's, only the "What comes next?"


  1. That's what I worry about: "What comes next?" Not as often as "How do I get there?" but almost as much. I can see the ending before the beginning most of the time, but getting there is an odyssey. One I wouldn't change for the world. God gave us this gift. It defines us. The journey on which it takes us, as writers, should glorify Him. It's so easy to forget that in the middle of all the frantic page-scrambling and rants of: "I'm gonna pitch my Dell tower through the nearest window!!" Like you said, "Breathe..."

  2. Ruth, it really is. :-)

    V.S. Carnes, that's well said. Somehow the getting there happens, but it's difficult if you don't know where there is. I didn't want to throw the computer out the window; I wanted to take a hammer to it, that satisfying sound of shattering glass... And yes, God gave us this amazing gift, and I hope to use it to share His Love and Light. I couldn't make it through each day without Him.
