Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th...

No, I have no superstitions about the day, at all. Having it twice in one day cured me. Many years ago, I was flying home from Asia. The flight departed in the morning. I watched the sun rise, and then set over the Atlantic. While over the Atlantic, I watched it rise again, on the same day, and then set at home in America. Gotta love the International Dateline. It was an uneventful trip.

A blog worth reading because it has some great writing hints, today: Writers in the Storm

Spent the day editing. This is taking much longer than I planned, but the book is so much better, so it's all right. Future books won't have the same problems to correct.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Judy

      I can relate to what you said about editing having ‘helped’ my husband occasionally (he’s had a few articles published in magazines). It’s such a wonderful feeling of satisfaction after you have finished editing and you KNOW you’ve got it just right.

      I showed him the link to Margie Lawson’s site about as’s which reminded us of an Irish Toast that always makes me smile.

      Here's to you as good as you are
      and here's to me as bad as I am
      As Good as you are and as bad as I am
      I'm as Good as you are
      As Bad As I am!

      Molly :)

    2. LOL!!! I love it, Molly! Thank you so much for sharing it!
