Thursday, January 5, 2012

One-day break, sort of...

I'm endeavoring to pull several things together, right now. Overwhelmed was passed long ago, and I'm well into wondering what I was thinking, though in truth, it's really all about going to the dentist. Yes, the dentist.

The dentist is one of my least favorite places to visit. I have horrible memories from childhood, and even more recent. My new dentist and hygienist are great. I no longer face the visit with quite the same trepidation as I did in the past. With Crest Pro-Health, when my teeth are cleaned, it's a half hour of my time once a year, as opposed to an hour every 3-6 months.

Be that as it may, my ability to concentrate has been shot, today, so I've allowed myself to be flighty, working on this and that and the other for short periods of time. Tomorrow will be better. There's a lot of work that needs to be done.

One day at a time; blessedly, that's all God sends.

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