Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sneak peek...

I shared this on FB, last week. I wanted to thank those who follow my author page. Richard Carrington is the hero of this story. He was introduced in "Unexpected Possibilities," a friend of James Thorn. What I didn't mention is that Sinclair simply showed up, as so many of my characters do. Never planned on him. Not sure if he has a more significant role at some later date. He's a prideful, stubborn man, but I like him.

A sneak peek at "Reluctant Knight" (unedited):

To what do we owe this attack of nerves?" Sinclair's gaze drifted to where Richard rubbed at his middle. "Ah. She's going to learn of your perpetual itch and weak stomach. Awkward when you want to be her knight in shining armor."

"A bit melodramatic?" Richard stretched his fingers. "A few hundred years too late for knights."

"Every man needs to be the knight in shining armor to the woman who holds his heart."

"Who said she held my heart?"

"Another weakness."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Lying to yourself. Might want to leave that trait in this room when you walk out the door. Glaring does not intimidate me."

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