Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Seven Things...

Patty Taylor tagged me to list seven things about my writing, then tag seven other writers.

1. Many of my own life questions are worked through with my characters.

2. I've written books from beginning to end, end to beginning, from the middle both ways, and by bits and pieces.

3. Torturing my characters is not something I enjoy. Life is messy. They have messy lives.

4. Secondary characters frequently demand their own stories. How can I refuse? Especially since they natter at me constantly.

5. Word is my program, but I use pen and paper to work through blocks, and frequently at my favorite eatery P.croissant.

6. When I first started writing with the intent to write books, I didn't think I could write dialogue. I was wrong. I'm okay with that.

7. A lot of who I am is in my books.

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