Saturday, April 25, 2015

Links to Share...

Fascinating. CS Lewis Web shares three videos, totaling 70 minutes, namely C.S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism, C.S. Lewis and Evolution, and C.S. Lewis and Intelligent Design:

Writers In The Storm shared information on crafting an elevator pitch. I need to work on this.

There is nothing easy about this topic. There is valuable information in this article. It does not cover all the possibilities. This is a starting point. Pretending like nothing bad will happen because a person is faithful or doesn't associate with "those kind of people" is dangerous. Yes, it's uncomfortable. It's ugly. It's evil. Evil's greatest tool is the ability to make a good person look away. Don't look away. Look evil in the eye, and call it what it is. Evil doesn't like the truth.

God bless.

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