Saturday, November 3, 2012

For those who missed it on my author FB page...

Luck: Have you seen it?
Jack: Seen what?
James: Do stop preening.
Matthew: I believe his preening is both understandable and acceptable.
Jack: Preening about what?
Matthew: His cover was released.
Jack: But he isn't on it.
Luck: Of course not. The purpose is to reveal key elements in the story.
Jack: Are not the hero and heroine key?
Luck: Yes, but there's a code to covers.
Jack: Codes I understand.
Matthew: I'm not surprised.
Jack: No need to roll your eyes. Tell me more about this code.
Luck: It's changed with all the independent authors, but it used to be you could tell the heat level of a story by what was revealed on the cover.
Jack: Heat level?
James: Please, Jack, you may not be a well-rounded character, yet, but you are a man.
Jack: Oh.
Luck: Yes. Anyway, Laurel Hawkes writes stories with a rating of sweet or warm.
Jack: But does she not touch on sensitive subjects?
Matthew: She does, indeed, but she's quite skilled at saying enough but not too much.
Jack: I do wish she would reveal a great deal more about my story.
Luck: Don't worry, Jack. She will.
Matthew: After she finishes with my story.
Jack: You promise?
Mark: Not another word.
James: She's settling into her writing routines.
Jack: I'm not going to see her for a while, am I?
Mark: Sorry, Jack.


  1. I love it when your heroes talk to each other. :)

    1. For some reason, allowing them their little outbursts quiets them enough for me to work. :-D
