Thursday, January 3, 2013

Recent conversation from FB...

Jack: James, we've entered into a new year, and we are dwindling in number.
James: Most disconcerting.
Jack: Matthew is in for final approval, and Mark is now gone.
James: Is it my imagining or was it easier when our number included them as well as Jonathan and Luck?
Jack: True. Strength in numbers so to speak.
James: You don't suppose no one else is coming?
Jack: Don't be daft. Of course others are coming.
James: Why are you certain?
Jack: I'm not actually here at all, now am I? No plot, no heroine, no title, nothing but a tickle in her brain.
James: I suspect she considers you a bit more than a tickle.
Jack: Mayhap. Be that as it may, there are books already contracted whereas I am not.
James: Yet.
Jack: I thank you for that bit of encouragement.
James: She's a terribly responsible sort, so I suppose we'll meet our new cohorts soon enough.
Jack: Aye, we will. Poor saps don't know what they're in for.


  1. You might want to consider names that don't start with J. Just an idea. :)
