Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A little more each day...

More of The Project is filled in. Another chapter of book 2 is edited. And more has been added to book 3. I've also worked through some details, like the heroine's age, a few dates, and how to present them. I think chapter 1 is done, which introduces both the heroine, and the hero through the heroine's eyes. Chapter 2 is the beginning of the story from the hero's point of view.

I'm endeavoring to trust in God and His plan for me.


  1. You're doing great on the writing!! Keep up the good work!
    Praying for you. I believe that God is with us -- and that includes YOU -- all the time, blessing anything and anyone we ask. That includes your writing. Expect bumps along the way, but keep your eyes on the prize.


  2. Thanks (((Mary))) You have been such an inspiration to me.
