Monday, May 7, 2012

Exploring the senses... smell...

One Writer's Way shared some lovely poetry about lavender. Lavender is one of my favorite scents. It's an amazing little herb. I use lavender oil on cuts and sores. Whenever my ears are having trouble, usually related to my allergies, I dab a bit of oil in my ears. I've used lavender flowers when I make pancakes. Interestingly enough, I can't use it all the time, or it tastes bitter. I use lavender candles as well as vanilla.

While lavender fills me with a sense of calm and peace, vanilla reminds me of baking, something I do when I'm struggling with a scene, finding the right words. Vanilla invokes a sense of anticipation of something good to come.

Patty Froese shares her experience using black tea to dye her hair. It was helpful. I've wanted to banish my gray hair but worried about using dyes, since my skin is one of those annoyingly sensitive types, really sensitive. I've been using chamomile, without a great deal of success. Then I read Patty's blog. Oh. I only used one tea bag. So I tried it with more, and it seems to be better. She mentioned enjoying the smell. On that I must agree. I forgot to prepare the tea one day and thought: What difference did it make if I skipped it? I missed the smell. It's a pleasant earthy scent. I also missed how it made my face feel. Since I'm pouring it over my hair, it ends up dribbling down my face. I let it. I don't forget it anymore.

Then Delores Goodrick Beggs shared her experience with writing and cooking, and it made me smile.


  1. You tried the black tea to dye your hair! How did it work for you? Right now, I'm using it to cover already dyed hair. I'm curious to see how it will cover gray when my hair grows out enough to show it.

    1. Since I started using tea on my hair, I've used it as a rinse. I never thought to let it set in, so it's only softened the gray, not covered it. This week, I'm going to try letting it sit for a while.
