Monday, July 2, 2012

Time to regroup...

Manuscript is in. Rested, yesterday. Today, it's back into the fun.

I love writing. I've discovered I don't actually care for creating the original story. It's a painful process. I've spent my whole life trying to not be noticed. Hiding in the hopes of being safe. For the record: Hiding isn't safe. Live and learn.

Writing a story requires I expose to the world my insecurities and fears, my hopes and dreams. Sometimes the world is kind. Sometimes it isn't. I'm taking a terrible risk.

So why do I do it?

Not writing feels like living in a vacuum, devoid of food and water and light. The world is flat and colorless.

God gave me the gift.

Not writing is turning my back on the gift God has given me.

Writing is my way of thanking God for the gift.

What I love about writing: I love everything after the original story is written. Editing is about making the story it's very best.

Sometimes editing is about correcting mistakes, but more often editing is about finding the right word or phrase to convey the heart.

I love words. I love the English language.

Time to do some editing and creating.

Tolkien called himself a subcreator with God. I like that. God creates and then allows us to share in the process. The choice is mine. I choose to participate. I hope God isn't disappointed. Fortunately, He only asks me to give my best. I'm learning.

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