Monday, August 29, 2011


I need to learn to be better at listening to those pesky nigglings. The ones that keep elbowing me that something isn't quite right. I fussed over book 2 all weekend, and accomplished very little. Last night, I went to bed with the determination to work on an outline, summarizing each chapter with a single sentence and setting the dates, which won't be used but very generally, but they give me a timeline. I discovered a chapter that looked like it was in the wrong place, and then realized that my word choices had been all wrong. I corrected those, and now it fits as it ought. The outline isn't complete, but I'm back to where I was dithering at the end of the day on Friday. Now, it makes a lot more sense. The scene definitely wasn't finished yet. It made absolutely no sense going into the next chapter, so today is filling in those necessary details required in order to move on. Thanks God. I truly could not do this without God's promptings and nudges.

The Project continues along. I'm adjusting and reworking it.

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