Friday, August 13, 2010

Creating names... not one of my favorite aspects of writing. I've come to the realization that my hero has a nickname. It was relatively easy, but his buddy's was more difficult to peg. I sit down to write and think there's nothing there in my head, and the next thing I know several hundred words have been added to the page. I feel blessed.

Honor 9 plural: social courtesies or civilities extended by a host, ie, asked him to do the honors
10a (1): an ace, king, queen jack, or ten especially of the trump suit in bridge (2): the scoring value of honors held in bridge -- usually used in plural b: the privilege of playing first from the tee in golf
Decided to post two at once, since though I understand them, they don't apply to the understanding I'm seeking on the subject.

That being said, I found the following an arrow to the heart. In Diane Gaston's Regency Romance Chivalrous Captain, Rebel Mistress, she quotes Tacitus: "That cannot be safe which is not honourable."

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