Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Chatting on my walk with my walking buddy, this morning, I found myself remembering a specific event that I knew would fit into the current WIP. What's more, it fits into the very next scene.

In my study on honor, I'm learning that it encompasses many things. Coming from a home where even the simplest of courtesies was not taught, let alone values and principles such as respect, compassion, and honor, my search for honor is multifaceted, and requires that I become more than I have ever been before. What comes naturally to others because it has been ingrained since babyhood I am struggling to learn and incorporate into my life, now. There are days when I feel hopelessly uncouth, and other days when there is a glimmer of potential. I hang onto "I only truly fail if I fail to rise each time I fall."


  1. I like that quote. Can I use it on my page?

  2. Certainly, since it isn't original with me. I've no original source because I've seen it so many places.
